AOX Antioxidant Alkaline Water: The Best Way to Drink for Better Health and Skin

Along with the trend of rising health awareness and consciousness, antioxidant alkaline water has become a thing. Especially since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers are increasingly interested in options that promote stronger immunity.
However, the abundance of offerings in the market has reduced the purchase decision-making to factors such as the most attractive promotions or add-on services for many consumers. And that must be cautioned against, according to Mr. Jeffrey Tan, the CEO, and Founder of AOX Water.
In this interview article, we have sought the expertise of Mr. Jeffrey Tan, who has over a decade of experience in the alkaline water system business. The brand AOX was built upon extensive research. It is currently being used by more than 50 centres in Singapore, including medical centres, hospitals, and cancer societies.

Question: As the leading brand in the antioxidant alkaline water health products of Singapore, what advice do you have for health-conscious consumers looking for value and quality?
Mr. Tan: We have heard of the saying “Penny wise, pound foolish.” If users were to purchase a water dispenser based only on factors like “5-year free filters” or free dispensers, I would advise them to question the quality of the products they are installing and the safety of the water they consume daily.
I have been in this trade for 12 years. From my experience, many overseas suppliers sell filters for low prices. Unfortunately, these filters often have questionable quality issues and may contain harmful heavy metals or recycled materials.
My advice to customers is this – your health matters. The water you drink matters. A saying that we hold close to our hearts is “Health is Wealth”. If money can buy healthy water that is tested and proven to provide your family with better immunity, antioxidants, and a host of other health benefits, why say no?

Question: What are some strategies that AOX has undertaken to upkeep the quality of your product and ensure that consumers can drink with the peace of mind?
Mr. Tan: Our products are imported only from trusted and reliable suppliers. We have a full-time staff in Korea who inspects the machines and filters before they are imported into Singapore. He also does factory inspections to ensure that they maintain the promised quality and processes.
While we could switch to cheaper but questionable filters to lower our costs, we have chosen not to. Our core belief is that we will only sell water that is beneficial for the health of our customers and their families.
At AOX, we stay true to our core DNA of promoting good health. Our water has beneficial and natural supplements, and we will continue to keep this patented formula of alkaline antioxidant water.
We also have a board of three medical advisors. For our customers who need advice, we will refer them to our medical advisors who will provide them with complimentary first-time consultations. These advisors are selected by us and have been working with us for many years.
Question: With the plethora of options in the market, what distinguishes AOX from other similar brands?
There are a few reasons why AOX is well-known in the medical profession.
AOX water is suitable for babies, young children, and those on medication. Our water is alkaline as it is naturally infused with alkaline minerals that have passed the FDA standard test.
There are other brands in the market that are high in pH, as they use ionisers. Ionisers create water that is high in hydroxide, which is not suitable for some. As such, companies will sometimes post advisories that babies, young children, and people on medication should not drink their ionised alkaline water.
In addition, unlike other brands, AOX developed our own patented water filtration system.

For other brands, what we understand is that they purchase a variety of dispensers from different manufacturers. In the event that the importer discontinues a particular model, customers would be stuck with a machine that cannot use other filters.
Whereas for us, our water filters can be fixed into any of our water dispenser models, whether they are the newest models or the models from over 10 years ago.
At AOX, we constantly innovate and produce our own products. Many other brands choose to place a private label on products from other manufacturers. This means that they are often not able to control the quality and internal contents of these filters.
Question: What are the most salient points of resistance observed among consumers?
Mr. Tan: Some customers believe that “all alkaline water” is the same and are on the hunt for the cheapest alternatives. In our years of servicing various customers, we will sometimes meet those who are price sensitive.
At AOX, we will present to them the facts, show them our lab reports and testimonials of improved health from many, many customers, and encourage them to make wise and healthy choices for themselves and their loved ones.
Not all brands of alkaline water are created the same. It is very important for users to know what has been added to the water to make them alkaline, beneficial, and safe.
AOX has proven health benefits. Many hospitals, medical centres, and even 5 cancer societies have put their trust in AOX. Some medical professionals who have experienced AOX place their trust in us and advocate for their patients to consume AOX water to boost their immunity. This is because our water is proven to be beneficial for health.
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Question: With regards to innovation, what are some features or improvements AOX customers can look forward to?
Mr. Tan: In innovating, we have come up with a new product range – portable antioxidant alkaline mineral “tea-bags” that people can use to infuse their drinking water on the go when they don’t have access to AOX water.
These portable antioxidant alkaline tea bags are priced at $10 per piece, making it an affordable and convenient way of producing up to 30 litres of healthy AOX water on the go. These also sell better on online platforms and are targeted at those who are keen to try AOX water for the first time or want a more convenient way of drinking healthy water.

Apart from that, we innovated and designed a one-of-its-kind water dispenser called AOX Lite 2. Whenever users take a cup of water from the dispenser, the AOX Lite 2 produces 20 million negative ions in the air. This produces an experience similar to how people soak in negative ions at waterfalls, beaches, and mountains.
Negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase the level of the mood chemical serotonin. This helps to alleviate stress, boosts our energy and our overall mood.

Question: In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, many brands are devising strategies to strengthen their resilience and enable their online businesses to cope with the changes and stress better. Do you have any strategies in place to strengthen the AOX brand and the overall business?
Mr. Tan: We believe that branding is all about the user’s experience. In order to improve this, we need to apply an all-rounded strategy. It’s about their sales experience, how our showroom feels/looks to the customer, the product quality, and after-sales service.
To improve the overall AOX brand experience, we have been working on implementing the “Enterprise Resource Planning” system, a system that helps to collate the sales, accounts, and customers’ needs on one platform.
This system will allow our sales, accounts, and customer service team to easily access customers’ records and meet their needs in a timely way. It will also allow customers access to see their past filter change records for their convenience.
Customer Testimonals
I have been trying other brands but often find that the water has a taste that I dislike. When I chanced upon AOX at a roadshow, I tried the water and purchased it on the spot! AOX has served my family well for the past eight years. After drinking AOX, I feel that my health is getting better. I don’t fall sick often, unlike peers at my age. I even cook with AOX! I feel that the food tastes better with it. I love AOX so much that I introduced AOX to my sister and a relative from Thailand. Thank you AOX!
Susan Chan. 71 years old, Satisfied Customer
My family has been drinking AOX for the past ten years, and our health has benefitted from drinking healthy water. My daughter used to suffer from eczema. But after drinking AOX, her eczema condition improved. To anyone looking for a water dispenser for their families’ health and well-being, I would certainly recommend my favourite brand – AOX!
Sherry Tan, 56 years old, International Artiste & Satisfied Customer
After installing an AOX water dispenser in the office, my colleagues and I noticed that we fall sick much less. We also felt more energetic and healthier! Besides the evident health benefits, it has also been a huge convenience that we no longer have to boil water for hot drinks anymore. AOX is certainly a must-have for any office looking to improve their staff’s health.
Borhan Tan, Managing Director, Unisto Pte Ltd